14 October 2013

More MIKU-san!!!

minai san konbanwa!!! or maybe ohayo
i havent post anything for a long time but you guy still visit my page.
hontoni arigato na!!!
here some kawii miku (c: to owner) and her concert

Do you know all this song? I know most of them and i love them so much. i love this video even it just only somepart of the concert. Credit to sega there more miku concert video there so if you like them subscribe

 1. Eh? ah, sou!
 2. rolling girl
 3. hold release; rakshasa and carcasses
 4. 初音ミクの激唱
 5. fire flower
 6. tell your world
 7. (it was write there) =.,= i dont know the name of  this song
 8. magnet
 9. I forget this one too XP
 10. SPiCa
 if some one remember them pls tell me
 i love 5 6 7 10 >///< how about you guy?

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