24 October 2013

Nearly 1000 view THANKYOU

Today im in a good mood. then i realize that i havent post any of my own drawing.
at first i m so shy but today i feel like posting something
So here some of them C: to myself
PS: some is only out line i too lazy to colour it. if i have time i gonna colour and repost them na
her name is Ai ( --> I) i draw her for my project

the left one is my art work. the right one is my friend birthday gift. i wrote her name at the back (not her real name but i use to call her like that) : YOUI

 this was a black board but now look like some painting canvas i draw lily in the middle

her miku i draw a couple day ago and too lazy to colour it :P

and here i try to draw luka in snow miku costume. finish just a hour ago

my profile pic lolz i draw it myself for sure

i will post some pics again 'caz our little world have nearly 1000 view >////<
mina san hontoni arigatou >////<
im so happy and looking forward to 1000 view >////<

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